monthly favorites

Toddler Snacks: 18 Months

Evelyn has always been quite the snacker. She could literally eat all day long if there was enough food around. There are never enough hours in the day to constantly be chopping and prepping food so healthy premade snacks are a life saver. My diaper bag is always packed with the following: Pouches, Cheerios, Soft Granola Bars, a sippy cup with water and an assortment of snacks from one of my new  favorite brands, NurturMe. All their food is organic, gluten-free, NON-GMO verified, Kosher, made in the USA and no added preservatives. I mean seriously, what more could a parent want out of a brand when it comes to providing healthy food for their little ones? There is a variety of snacks and cereals that are perfect for babies and toddlers. Evelyn’s favorites are the Quinoa Squares and Dried Fruit. I also really love how this company gives back a portion of sales to help Peruvian children. Now, without further ado, please enjoy pictures of Evelyn stuffing her face while looking adorable 🙂
Romper & Bow: June & January
A big thank you to NurturMe for providing Evelyn with some seriously yummy food! All opinions expressed are her own 🙂

18 Months Toy Roundup

Sometimes I forget how hard it can be to keep two toddlers entertained all day long. We have so many toys between Henry and Evelyn that our house sometimes feels like a Toys R Us. It can be system overload for a baby or young child when they have too many options to choose from. It’s like going into H&M and sorting through a thousand garment racks just to find a dress (all while listening to extremely loud music). Before Henry’s 4th birthday we did a toy purge and decided to keep mostly educational toys like puzzles, blocks, pretend play items and other things that really get their imagination rolling. Evelyn has become bored with the toys we have and has also grown out of most of them. I think the reason why she was becoming so fussy is due to the lack of stimulation. I started researching educational toys and the last thing I wanted was something that made a ton of noise or flashed lights like a night club. Here are some wonderful, handmade alternatives I found which she is loving lately. They are also all made in the USA with love. I’ll be sharing my favorite educational toys for age 4 next week! buy abilify online no prescription
Sensory Stuffed Toys – These shapes and blocks from Made in the Trees are stuffed with a bell, rattle or crinkle paper to spark interest in little minds. Their fun, soft colors and patterns provide stimulation for growing brains. They are super soft and eye catching too!




Felt Play Food – For her first birthday we bought the Kid Kraft kitchen, obviously a toy she could grow into and use for years. I’ve always been a fan of felt food, probably because I have major sewing envy. This adorable banana split ice cream set and these hand knit donuts are adorable and so fun to play with. I will even catch Henry “baking” with them in the kitchen 🙂


Soft Picture Blocks – These big blocks are so well constructed and filled with bright colors and playful patterns. One of the blocks has a cat on the side and I’m sure you can guess that is Evelyn’s favorite one. She laughs immediately once she sees it and is always looking for that one block. These are great for the early stages of letter recognition and can grow with your child once they start learning the alphabet. When Evelyn goes to bed at night, Henry likes to take these blocks and have a “who can throw more blocks at each other party” with my husband. Thank goodness they are soft! buy aceon online no prescription



What are some toys that your littles one love? Have a wonderful weekend everyone! 
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16 Month Update

Today Evelyn is 16 months old! It seems a little strange to write a post update for this month but she just had her check up ten days ago and time is flying lately. This sweet child never fails to make us smile. We are so grateful for this baby girl who completed our family!



Size: Still in size 4 diapers, size 4 shoes and 12-18 month & 18 month clothing.
Stats (Weight/Height/Teeth): 24 pounds, 8 ounces. 33″ tall. 47.5 cm head circumference. She has had a ton of new teeth coming in and is having some fussy moments. She got all her molars in the same week so there was lot’s of wine involved (for me, not here).
Likes: Cats, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Running around like a T-Rex, Watching her brother being silly, Taking things out of cabinets and drawers, Being destructive in general.
Dislikes: The word no, being touched by strangers (like the doctor and nurses) so all of our visits to the pediatrician go really well until someone looks at her.Features: It seems like she is finally getting in more hair, which is light brown and her eyes are still blue.
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Eating: Drinking organic whole milk twice a day and water throughout the day. I rarely give her juice because it’s just sugar she doesn’t need. She eats almost entirely by herself which is awesome because I am able to get housework done while she’s in her highchair eating and watching Mickey. Some of her favorites are Carrots, Bananas, Blueberries, Cheese, Strawberries, Buttered Noodles, Sweet Potato Fries, Saltine Crackers and of course puffs. buy amoxil online no prescription



Sleeping: Still snoozing like a champ 12 hours at night straight through. For about a week she boycotted her morning nap and I was so bummed to lose it but she has picked it back up and is still at 2 naps a day, ranging from 90 minutes to 2 hours. I used to be so worried that my second baby wouldn’t be a good sleeper since we were so lucky with Henry, but that’s not the case. I really think you have to train your baby to be a good sleeper, but that is an entirely different post! I’ve read before that some parents will try and drop the morning nap at this age but I say if a baby or toddler is tired, let them sleep! I would hate if someone dictated my sleeping schedule and woke me up after only an hour. Plus, babies and young children need sleep for brain development and so they don’t act like demons. buy celexa online no prescription
Speech: She can say Kitty Cat (duh), Baby, Bye Bye, Mommy, Dada, Yaya, Uh-Oh and the best of all: she meows whenever she sees a cat. #momwin. She also says the beginning of a lot of words “Sna” for Snack, “Nye Nye” for Night Night, “Me” for Mickey and so on. She will go to the fridge if she’s hungry and say “sna sna” which is like 20 times a day.Overall she is such a happy and carefree baby. She is so independent and loves to run and roam and has no fear. She is just exactly like her brother was at this stage. She also has the cutest Buddha belly I’ve ever seen and loves to show it off 🙂



Happy 16 Months, baby girl!

Evelyn 12 month update + favorites



It’s hard to believe that I won’t be taking any more monthly pictures since Evelyn is now almost 13 months. It’s kind of a relief because she never wants to lay flat and I don’t know what I was thinking having her lay on her back for the monthly photos. I should have propped her up in a chair like I did with Henry but I must have been in a daze those first few months thinking she would easily lay down forever. Yeah right. She has just learned how to dance and it’s been the cutest thing. She basically just bounces and shakes her head to the side (think Night at the Roxbury). She is a little busy bug and is constantly on the move: wondering all over the house, opening and shutting drawers and rearranging the food pantry. She reminds me a lot of her brother at this age. Overall she’s a wonderful baby and has been super easy. I definitely have knocked a million knocks on wood.

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Age: 12 months, 3 weeks {I’ve been a total slacker on this last update}
Stats: 22 pounds, 6 ounces (66 %), 30 inches long (72 %), 47 cm head circumference (91%)
Clothes: Still fitting into some 6-12 month. Most 12-18 month dresses are too long however she’s in 18 month pants because of her big round belly. Size 4 in shoes and diapers.
Sleep: Great! Still taking 2-3 naps a day while sleeping 12-13 hours a night. She’s an early bird like her brother was at this age but I’ll take getting up at 5:30 am it since you go to bed at 5pm.
Speech: She babbles all day long. Her first word was baby which is just the cutest thing. She also says mama, dada, yaya and ni-ni for night night.
Favorite Foods: Peas, Shredded Cheese, Yogurt, Oatmeal, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Bananas … this chick pretty much loves everything under the sun. She eats like a freaking champ and never turns down food. I’ve given her tons of different things and so far no allergies have come up which is amazing. She has to be eating anytime we are at the store and it’s the only way I can accomplish my shopping, just like her brother!
Least Favorite Foods: Blueberries are the only thing she has refused to eat.
Favorite Things: Mickey Mouse Club House, Kittens, our dogs bed, Pacis, Food, my sock drawer and this weird nursery rhyme channel on our Roku TV where the ladies singing have a very strong Russian accent. If you follow me on snapchat, you know what I am talking about. buy propecia online no prescription
Least Favorite Things: When Henry or our kitten is sitting on my lap or I’m holding them (she get’s very jealous).


Toys: There hasn’t been anything that she is absolutely drawn to. She plays with Henry’s Paw Patrol figures just as she will play with a rattle or baby doll. Like I mentioned above, she really just loves to walk around the house and explore things that are not toys.
{You can read more about her welcome home story and 1st, 2nd, 6th and 9th month updates. Not sure what happened to all the other months but you can just attribute that to mom life}

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Chair (Home Goods in store), Shoes, Flower Crown, Romper (Gap last year)
as always, xoxo!


20 Months

Henry turned 20 months old on Friday. Say what? Not sure how this happened. I say that every month but it’s true when they say the days are long and the weeks are short. We will have a two year old in 4 short months. Henry’s personality is definitely growing. He is saying more words and imitating our actions (like rubbing our hands together, or putting our hands to cover our mouths when we cough. He also tries to cough like we do). He is still obsessed with stacking, building, lining things up and standing tall objects up in a corner (like his broom, golf club and popcorn pusher). We think he is going to take after his grandfather and become an engineer.

Black and Decker Power Tool Workshop – The tool workshop is a new one for us. We saw it at a friends house last month and Henry loved it. I did not love it so much since it was $100 new. Thursday night some friends and I went to my favorite consignment sale that happens twice a year and I found it for TWELVE DOLLARS. Yes, $12. Perfect condition, hardly used, and it even came with the tools and a big tool box. That mixed with all the tools Henry already has and it is more than a full set. I’ve mentioned this before but consignment is really the way to go for toys, books, puzzles, etc. You save so much money and come away with basically new items for a fraction of the price. 
Magnet Letters & Numbers – We have 3 different sets of these. Henry can’t get enough. His favorite activity is putting his hands on the fridge and sliding all the letters off, basically throwing them everywhere, and then picking them back up and sticking them to the fridge. Hey, whatever works and keeps him from screaming. 
Mega Bloks – These has been a favorite for the past 8 months. My mom got him the bloks and wagon set  shortly after his first birthday and I found a bag at the same consignment sale for only $6 and they are in perfect condition. He also loves to sit in the wagon with his blocks and put the remotes and sippy cups in there as well. 
Books/Puzzles – I don’t see these going off the favorite list anytime soon. Lately he is loving picture and peekaboo books and will point to the objects when I ask him where they are. He also plays puzzles daily and it blows my mind how he can do a new puzzle on the first try. Our favorite are Melissa & Doug, Ryan’s Room and Janod.

Angel Dear Pillow – The past two months Henry has been sleeping with a starter pillow in preparation for his move to a big boy bed when he turns 2. Angel Dear makes the lovey that Henry has had since he was an infant and can’t sleep without. These pillows have the same super soft touch and they are the perfect toddler size. He loves to use it as a body pillow and hold onto it while sleeping. 

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18 Months

Today Henry is 18 months old. I have known him for 548 days. It doesn’t seem like that long but I feel as if he’s been with us forever. It’s true when people say they don’t remember life before kids. This age is so fun because he loves to play with others and interact with us more. He constantly brings me puzzles (which he wants me to watch him do. Show off) and books. He loves strangers (especially girls) and is always flirting with or trying to get the attention of a lady. Typical guy! He gets frustrated when something doesn’t go his way (ie, not fitting the puzzle piece into the puzzle) so I don’t think patience will be his strong suit. Besides some occasional, short lived temper tantrums and the fact that he still hates getting his diaper changed (he is like a wild bull), he is a sweet, loving boy and I am so lucky to be his mommy and watch him grow. 
1. Puzzles – Henry loves puzzles and can put a new one together on the first try. He is so good at matching pictures, colors and shapes. It seriously blows my mind how smart he is and how much he is learning. Melissa and Doug wooden puzzles are the best for little hands.  
2. Shape Sorters/Stackers/Nesting Blocks – Same with puzzles, he can match the shapes like a boss. The wooden stackers from Seed Factory are his favorite and loves all wooden toys, blocks and nesting stacks. For Christmas he got these jumbo cardboard blocks and he loves stacking and standing on them. I know eventually he is going to make a tower to the fridge handle. 
3. Monsters University – Since he isn’t a fan of his car seat, we play this movie on the iPad for him. He is obsessed with all the monsters and does the cutest monster roar with his hands up like they do in the movie. He even has a little Sully stuffed animal which he roars at too. 
4. Books – Still on the list. I don’t think his love of books will die down anytime soon, which I am happy about. But if I have to read Oh So Tiny Bunny one more time I just may shoot myself. 
5. Barney – Need I say more? Barney is like crack for kids. 
6. Bath Crayons – Henry loves bath time and as soon as I mention it he starts say “Bah Bah” and climbing the stairs and running to the tub. I literally have to peel the clothes off of him as he is moving. He is just now getting the hang of “coloring” and is amazed about how these crayons work.  
In six months I will have a TWO YEAR OLD! Sad face. Sometimes I wish he would just stop growing and stay my little boy forever. 

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16 Months

Today Henry is 16 months old and is giving me a run for my money. Not much has changed from 15 to 16 months. He still loves books (I must have read Oh So Tiny Bunny at least 400 times last month). He has quite the dominant personality and definitely has found his voice and is not afraid to use it (mostly by yelling). He’s very vocal about what he wants, likes and dislikes. He is independent, determined, active, curious, fearless and a leader. We had some friends over for dinner this weekend and they asked what his sign was. I honestly didn’t even know! I never read into signs that much but this sparked my curiosity to see if Henry has any of the traits. He was born June 28 so that makes him a Cancer (I thought he was a Gemini. whoops!) My favorite fact in researching Cancer traits was that the mascot is the Crab and they can be called crabby. Nail on the head. Henry is definitely having some crabby days lately but that could just be related to getting older and wanting to express himself more, but he just doesn’t know how. I am hoping that once he learns to communicate more things won’t be so hard for him. I’ve said it before and I will say it again, these have definitely been some trying months on us all but this too shall pass. 

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