It’s hard to believe that I won’t be taking any more monthly pictures since Evelyn is now almost 13 months. It’s kind of a relief because she never wants to lay flat and I don’t know what I was thinking having her lay on her back for the monthly photos. I should have propped her up in a chair like I did with Henry but I must have been in a daze those first few months thinking she would easily lay down forever. Yeah right. She has just learned how to dance and it’s been the cutest thing. She basically just bounces and shakes her head to the side (think Night at the Roxbury). She is a little busy bug and is constantly on the move: wondering all over the house, opening and shutting drawers and rearranging the food pantry. She reminds me a lot of her brother at this age. Overall she’s a wonderful baby and has been super easy. I definitely have knocked a million knocks on wood.
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Age: 12 months, 3 weeks {I’ve been a total slacker on this last update}
Stats: 22 pounds, 6 ounces (66 %), 30 inches long (72 %), 47 cm head circumference (91%)
Clothes: Still fitting into some 6-12 month. Most 12-18 month dresses are too long however she’s in 18 month pants because of her big round belly. Size 4 in shoes and diapers.
Sleep: Great! Still taking 2-3 naps a day while sleeping 12-13 hours a night. She’s an early bird like her brother was at this age but I’ll take getting up at 5:30 am it since you go to bed at 5pm.
Speech: She babbles all day long. Her first word was baby which is just the cutest thing. She also says mama, dada, yaya and ni-ni for night night.
Favorite Foods: Peas, Shredded Cheese, Yogurt, Oatmeal, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Bananas … this chick pretty much loves everything under the sun. She eats like a freaking champ and never turns down food. I’ve given her tons of different things and so far no allergies have come up which is amazing. She has to be eating anytime we are at the store and it’s the only way I can accomplish my shopping, just like her brother!
Least Favorite Foods: Blueberries are the only thing she has refused to eat.
Favorite Things: Mickey Mouse Club House, Kittens, our dogs bed, Pacis, Food, my sock drawer and this weird nursery rhyme channel on our Roku TV where the ladies singing have a very strong Russian accent. If you follow me on snapchat, you know what I am talking about. buy propecia online no prescription
Least Favorite Things: When Henry or our kitten is sitting on my lap or I’m holding them (she get’s very jealous).
Toys: There hasn’t been anything that she is absolutely drawn to. She plays with Henry’s Paw Patrol figures just as she will play with a rattle or baby doll. Like I mentioned above, she really just loves to walk around the house and explore things that are not toys.
{You can read more about her welcome home story and 1st, 2nd, 6th and 9th month updates. Not sure what happened to all the other months but you can just attribute that to mom life}
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Chair (Home Goods in store), Shoes, Flower Crown, Romper (Gap last year)
as always, xoxo!
She's a little beauty! And also, can her and Henry teach Elliot how to sleep through the night please? Thanks. 🙂