16 Month Update

Today Evelyn is 16 months old! It seems a little strange to write a post update for this month but she just had her check up ten days ago and time is flying lately. This sweet child never fails to make us smile. We are so grateful for this baby girl who completed our family!



Size: Still in size 4 diapers, size 4 shoes and 12-18 month & 18 month clothing.
Stats (Weight/Height/Teeth): 24 pounds, 8 ounces. 33″ tall. 47.5 cm head circumference. She has had a ton of new teeth coming in and is having some fussy moments. She got all her molars in the same week so there was lot’s of wine involved (for me, not here).
Likes: Cats, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Running around like a T-Rex, Watching her brother being silly, Taking things out of cabinets and drawers, Being destructive in general.
Dislikes: The word no, being touched by strangers (like the doctor and nurses) so all of our visits to the pediatrician go really well until someone looks at her.Features: It seems like she is finally getting in more hair, which is light brown and her eyes are still blue.
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Eating: Drinking organic whole milk twice a day and water throughout the day. I rarely give her juice because it’s just sugar she doesn’t need. She eats almost entirely by herself which is awesome because I am able to get housework done while she’s in her highchair eating and watching Mickey. Some of her favorites are Carrots, Bananas, Blueberries, Cheese, Strawberries, Buttered Noodles, Sweet Potato Fries, Saltine Crackers and of course puffs. buy amoxil online https://salempregnancy.org/wp-content/languages/new/buynoprescription/amoxil-no-prescription.html no prescription



Sleeping: Still snoozing like a champ 12 hours at night straight through. For about a week she boycotted her morning nap and I was so bummed to lose it but she has picked it back up and is still at 2 naps a day, ranging from 90 minutes to 2 hours. I used to be so worried that my second baby wouldn’t be a good sleeper since we were so lucky with Henry, but that’s not the case. I really think you have to train your baby to be a good sleeper, but that is an entirely different post! I’ve read before that some parents will try and drop the morning nap at this age but I say if a baby or toddler is tired, let them sleep! I would hate if someone dictated my sleeping schedule and woke me up after only an hour. Plus, babies and young children need sleep for brain development and so they don’t act like demons. buy celexa online https://salempregnancy.org/wp-content/languages/new/buynoprescription/celexa-no-prescription.html no prescription
Speech: She can say Kitty Cat (duh), Baby, Bye Bye, Mommy, Dada, Yaya, Uh-Oh and the best of all: she meows whenever she sees a cat. #momwin. She also says the beginning of a lot of words “Sna” for Snack, “Nye Nye” for Night Night, “Me” for Mickey and so on. She will go to the fridge if she’s hungry and say “sna sna” which is like 20 times a day.Overall she is such a happy and carefree baby. She is so independent and loves to run and roam and has no fear. She is just exactly like her brother was at this stage. She also has the cutest Buddha belly I’ve ever seen and loves to show it off 🙂



Happy 16 Months, baby girl!

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