• One Year Alcohol-Free

    If you knew me prior to December 22, 2021 than you know that I loved a good craft cocktail. I love a dark bar, trying a new restaurant, experiencing all the things Atlanta and other cities have to ...

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    One Year Alcohol-Free
  • Teacher Gift Ideas Under $35

    End of year teacher gifts are my favorite! I try and also do something unique and creative but there are also times when I just drop off bottles of Rosè too so ... balance! This year I decided to go ...

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    Teacher Gift Ideas Under $35
  • The Best Family-Friendly Hotel in the heart of Orlando

    Happy New Year, everyone! While I always love the fresh start of the new year, I spent one of my last weeks in 2021 at the Westgate Lakes Resort & Spa in Orlando, and I didn’t want it to end. In ...

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    The Best Family-Friendly Hotel in the heart of Orlando
  • A Valentine’s Day Brunch

    Nothing makes me happier than a sea of red and pink. It's an instant serotonin boost. Maybe that's why I love Valentine's Day so much. Every year I get some girlfriends together for a Valentine's ...

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    A Valentine’s Day Brunch

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Brian Urlacher Costume

Happy November 1st! I am not sure where the month of October went but Halloween was so much fun this year. We had 10 of our friends come over (5 couples and their toddlers/babies) with a total of 12 adults and 6 kids. It was the perfect size group. This year was Henry’s second Halloween but his first one trick…

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What I’m loving lately

1. The first time you turn your heat on in months. You know, that musky gas smell. Is that weird?  2. ABC Family’s 13 Nights of Halloween. After Christmas, Halloween is my husband and my favorite holiday. We can’t get enough of the candy, pumpkins, fall smells and movies. Some of our favs: Coraline, The Adams Family, Death Becomes Her,…

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16 Months

Today Henry is 16 months old and is giving me a run for my money. Not much has changed from 15 to 16 months. He still loves books (I must have read Oh So Tiny Bunny at least 400 times last month). He has quite the dominant personality and definitely has found his voice and is not afraid to use it (mostly…

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Link Love

Hooray for the Sunday and beautiful chilly mornings! I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend so far. Ours has been filled with friends, family and sleeping in! Here are some links that have caught my attention from around the world wide web.   This is pretty gross but pretty amazing all at the same time. Happy {almost} Halloween!  6 Apple Cider uses…

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Five Things Friday

Can you believe Halloween is just 6 days away? Where did October go? As much I love this cold weather and the holiday season, it would be nice for time to slow down. My baby is growing up too fast and will be 16 months old on Monday. No me gusta. Anyway, since this is the last Five Things Friday…

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Yay for today!

This is how I felt today: {Image via MaryKate McDevitt Etsy Shop} Today I was crossing things off my list left and right. Days in the office are usually so busy that I never actually get to my core list. I am always discussing issues at hand, returning the numerous emails that come in before I can even get to…

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Five Things Friday

There are still 3 hours left to post Five Things Friday. My husband has been out of town since Wednesday morning so it’s just been me for three full days and I have definitely had my hands full. At least the weather in Atlanta has been amazing! Chilly mornings, breezy afternoons … simply the best. {I  have been obsessed with…

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