• One Year Alcohol-Free

    If you knew me prior to December 22, 2021 than you know that I loved a good craft cocktail. I love a dark bar, trying a new restaurant, experiencing all the things Atlanta and other cities have to ...

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    One Year Alcohol-Free
  • Teacher Gift Ideas Under $35

    End of year teacher gifts are my favorite! I try and also do something unique and creative but there are also times when I just drop off bottles of Rosè too so ... balance! This year I decided to go ...

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    Teacher Gift Ideas Under $35
  • The Best Family-Friendly Hotel in the heart of Orlando

    Happy New Year, everyone! While I always love the fresh start of the new year, I spent one of my last weeks in 2021 at the Westgate Lakes Resort & Spa in Orlando, and I didn’t want it to end. In ...

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    The Best Family-Friendly Hotel in the heart of Orlando
  • A Valentine’s Day Brunch

    Nothing makes me happier than a sea of red and pink. It's an instant serotonin boost. Maybe that's why I love Valentine's Day so much. Every year I get some girlfriends together for a Valentine's ...

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    A Valentine’s Day Brunch

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Summer Beauty Must Haves

  There are so many products I am loving this summer. We are in the midst of the never-ending heat wave here in Atlanta and these items have been a life saver. I always love finding new products to use so I thought I would share what has been working for me!   Lavanila Deodorant – I’m slowly trying to…

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Walkkings Shoes {Review & Coupon!}

Both of my kids have always been early walkers and each took their first steps at 9 1/2 months. Once they figured out they could be mobile upright, they were off and never looked back. I’ve always hated the typical early walker shoes. They are not stylish, super chunky and just flat out boring. I recently came across Walkkings Shoes and…

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I’ve always been a sunglasses hoarder addict. Specsfair.ca offers best services including Glasses Frames & sunglasses for all ages & genders. I love a new pair of sunglasses the same way I love new shoes and a new bag. I’m all about the accessories. The Nordstrom anniversary sale starts next weekend and I’ve pulled together some of my favorite styles of…

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Date Night Atlanta: Topgolf

I am so excited to bring you a new blog series today called Date Night Atlanta. This series will cover some of the best places to visit in the Atlanta area that have been tried and tested by me and my hubby. Kicking off the series is our day date at Topgolf. If you haven’t checked out Topgolf than you…

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18 Months Toy Roundup

Sometimes I forget how hard it can be to keep two toddlers entertained all day long. We have so many toys between Henry and Evelyn that our house sometimes feels like a Toys R Us. It can be system overload for a baby or young child when they have too many options to choose from. It’s like going into H&M…

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Summer Days

Is there anything worse than the humid southern heat? And is there anything better than fresh watermelon on a hot summer day? Since Henry will be starting Pre-K in August, I decided that June would be his last month of preschool, so that we could all spend time together in July. Having both kids alone five days a week is…

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Happy Fourth of July!

Happy Fourth of July! I hope you are all enjoying your holiday weekend. We’re in Charleston visiting family and despite the heat and humidity, it’s been so fun. Sidetone: How do girls wear face makeup here? I can hardly step outside without sweating immediately so I’ve been rocking the top knot and mascara only look for a few days. I…

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