12 month Favorites

As my baby is now a one year old (heavy sign), I thought I’d share some of his favorite things. Some of these are new and some of these have been favorites for months (which means they are a good buy and a keeper). I have to say this age has been so fun. He is learning so much and picking up things quickly. I feel like I have a little old man walking around my house. He still only has 2 bottom teeth and is bald (for the most part). But that’s fine with me, it makes him look like a baby longer!

Soft Vintage-y Tees – Onesies are basically impractical for us to use anymore. Henry despises getting his diaper changed so the shorter he has to lay on his back for a changing the better. It is so much easier to pull up his shorts/pants and go. TargetOld Navy and H&M have great soft tees. Plus Target and Old Navy have amazing sales so often that most of the shirts I have purchased for Henry have been from the clearance section.

Straw Sippy Cups – Henry was never a fan of the traditional tilt back sippy cup. After trying about 4 different ones, we finally bought this Munchkin Straw Cup. I was shocked at how fast he learned how to use it. We put water, milk and smoothies in them without any trouble. We also like the Avent Straw Cups and the Zo-li cups are a big favorite in my mommy group.

Pajamas – Baby Gap is my favorite shop for 2 piece PJs. They are lightweight, comfy, and oh so adorable. They always come out with the best designs and graphics. They can be a little expensive at the store, so I wait until they go on sale, have an online coupon, and sometimes I even buy new on ebay! *Runner up would be The Children’s Place zip up one pieces. Light weight like Baby Gap but much cheaper! They have a zipper which I love.

Nuk Pacifier – Yep, Henry still uses his paci when he gets fussy and to get to sleep. When he was born we tried 4 different pacifiers and this classic was a winner. Luckily he only wants it when he is tired or cranky and doesn’t walk around with it in his mouth all day. He is too busy putting everything else he can find in his mouth. I hope that is just a phase. I love all the cute designs they have (especially the sports one). Please know he definitely rocks the football one every Sunday during football season. 

Plastic Balls – Walmart has THE best deal on plastic balls which you can use to make your own ball pit (using a plastic kiddie pool). We bought ours in store and got 100 for just under $12. We ended up get 3 packs. Yes, I have 300 plastic balls in my living room (contained, most of the time). One of our best purchases to date.

Lovey + Blanket – Angel Dear makes the softest and most cuddly lovey’s. Henry sleeps with his every night and every nap. He needs to feel it touching his face for him to doze off. It’s so sweet and heartwarming to see how much he loves it. Our go to blanket has always been the Nordstrom Basket Weave Baby Blanket. We received one as a gift when Henry was 2 months old and were hooked. I bought another as a back up in case one’s in the wash or to keep upstairs/downstairs.

Almond Milk – The transition from formula to Almond Milk was SO easy and I don’t even think Henry noticed. I wrote about my qualms of dairy milk a while back here. He hasn’t had any allergic reactions or upset stomachs. I feel confident in my decision to put him on almond milk instead of cows milk. 



  1. Love these ideas! Beckett just started sippy cups – I don't know how I feel about her serving herself! LOL 300 balls – hilarious! I saw those at wal-mart when I was buying bubbles for Becks! I love to hear that the transition to almond milk was easy!!!

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