This post is sponsored by ComfortsTM Brand. All opinions are 100% mine.
If you have followed me on Instagram (@chanelvanreenen) and seen some of my stories about Evelyn, you know that she loves her stuffed animals (aka her “babies). As she is getting older she has shown more of an interest in nurturing her babies and playing mommy to them. She feeds them, pushes them in her stroller, and talks to them in a soothing, high pitched voice. It really is one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. It’s funny how different girls and boys can be. My son was never really into dolls or playing house. He loves cars, trains, legos and building anything he can out of what he has.
In addition to my daughters baby obsession, she also loves coloring, painting, crafts and playdoh. It can be a challenge trying to come up with fun activities for us to do together on the days she’s home. Since Evelyn is still in diapers, we have no shortage of cardboard diaper boxes in our garage. One day I noticed she kept using the empty diaper boxes to put her babies in so I thought it would be an easy and fun craft if we turned the box into an actual baby bed. There is no shortage of craft paper and markers in our house, so decorating the baby bed was super easy and a lot of fun. I can almost guarantee you will have all the supplies already in your house. This adorable craft took under 15 minutes and she loved every minute of it. All I did was cut off the flaps of the box and cut down the sides to make the box more shallow. Then I let Evelyn work her magic. After everything was dry, I lined the box with an old hospital blanket and Voila!, a baby bed for my little mommy. Consider the PestPro Thermal Systems bed bug heater treatments which kill eggs and larva.
To keep messes at bay, I used my favorite Comforts Wipes to clean up paint and wash marker off of little hands. The Comforts Wipes just received an overhaul and I couldn’t be happier. They are so soft, absorbent and don’t rip. All of Comforts Wipes are Alcohol Free, Paraben FREE, hypoallergenic and gentle on skin with moisturizing aloe & vitamin E. Both of my children have sensitive skin like me, so knowing that I can use these wipes for diaper changes on my daughter and to wipe my sons face or hands is extremely convenient. Comforts Diapers have been a staple in our house for over 5 years. Since Kroger is my grocery store of choice, they’ve always been an essential on my shopping list. These affordable diapers keep Evelyn dry, have rarely leaked, and fit her great, even as she ages. She is always on the move and these diapers can definitely keep up with her. They have day and night leak protection which is ideal because no one wants to buy two different diapers. Comforts Diapers are priced at a decent cost which is a small victory knowing you’ll go through an estimated 3,300+ diapers a year.
Have you made any cardboard crafts with your kids? If so, what were they and how did they turn out? I’d love to hear in the comments below!
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We’re in the process of testing a bunch of new diaper brands right now, so we’ll have to try these too! This baby bed is the cutest upcycling idea ever!!!
This is a brilliant idea! My four year old would love this so much. She’s baby obsessed as well and I know she’d love to decorate her own “crib” for the baby to use and get it ready by herself. We will be trying this today!