toddler food

What to Feed A Picky Toddler

Now that Evelyn is a month away from turning two, she has become the worst eater on the planet. She used to eat anything and everything I would put in front of her but now I’m lucky if I can get her to eat cheese cubes. I vaguely remember going through this with Henry but he wasn’t nearly as bad. I want to share with you some easy snacks and meals I have been putting together for her lately in hopes she turns her eating habits around. Nearly everything can be made in prepped in under 10 minutes so there are no wasted in hours in the kitchen preparing food that your dog will end up eating off the floor.
Breakfast Option 1: Mini Blueberry Waffles, Yogurt, Sliced Banana buy clozaril online no prescription
Breakfast Option 3: Banana Pancakes (made ahead of time and thaw), Raisins, Grapefruit
Breakfast Option 4: Mini Whole Wheat Bagel with Almond Butter, Sliced Banana
Breakfast Option 5: Greek Yogurt Topped with Blueberries, Half a slice toast buy cozaar online no prescription
Lunch Option 1: Cold Penne Pasta with carrots, corn and peas. I buy organic vegetables in the bag and steam in the microwave. I also boil pasta in large batches twice a week to have on hand!
Lunch Option 2: Sliced Bell Peppers, Deli Ham, Clementine Oranges
Lunch Option 3: Applesauce, Turkey & Cheese Roll Up, Carrots
Lunch Option 4: Avocado, Crackers with Hummus, Strawberries
Lunch Option 5: Pepperoni, Raisins, Pineapple
Dinner Option 1: Shredded Chicken, Edamame, String Cheese
Dinner Option 2: Cheese Quesadilla, Chopped Strawberries
Dinner Option 3: Brown Rice, Sliced Cucumber, Blueberries
Dinner Option 4: Penne Pasta with Parmesan, Hardboiled Egg,
Dinner Option 5: Turkey Meatballs (I buy the organic frozen kind), Sliced Grapes, Green Beans buy cytotec online no prescription
Another amazing snack option that I have recently discovered is frozen Pão de Queijo (Brazilian Cheese Rolls). My kids definitely take after their parents and love a good baked cheese roll. These delicious gluten free snacks bake in just 5 minutes and are the perfect afternoon treat. They are perfect for the whole family and really compliment any dish. Henry loves to dip these in his tomato soup and they are a wonderful alternate to grilled cheese.  Since I always seem to be pressed for time, anything that can be ready in 5 minutes when my kids are both going wild is a win in my book. Forno de Minas is a socially conscience company that is deeply concerned with the environment and sustainability. They treat 100% of the water used in the factory, administrative area, and kitchen, through its ETE (Water and Sewage Treatment Plant). I love supporting companies that give back and care about their community. Want to try some Pão de Queijo? Here is a coupon for $1 off your purchase. You can find Forno de Minas in your local grocery store. Do you have any go-to meals for the picky eater in your life? Leave them in the comments below!
*this post was sponsored by Forno de Minas. As always, all opinions are my own*

Toddler Feeding Essentials

I’m not really sure how, but Evelyn will be 2 in just over two months. She has fully embraced her independence which includes jumping off the furniture, taking her diaper off, and eating by herself. I have been testing out several different dishes and feeding sets and have rounded up my top three today. As far as sippy cups go, we are still loving these five from a few months ago.
These Nuby Stackable Bowls are so great for preparing and portioning out food to store in your fridge or pantry. I prep on Sunday with veggies, fruit or chicken so that I can easily grab healthy snacks for the kids when they are hungry and I don’t have to worry about chopping and prepping food 75 times a day. They are also ideal for road trips and park play dates. The set comes with 2 long handled spoons which are perfect for Evelyn since she is still getting accustomed to feeding herself. buy vidalista online no prescription


This Zoli suction bowl feeding kit is perfect for kids like mine who love to dump their food out and throw the dish on the floor. The suction grip is so strong and definitely toddler proof. I love the divided tray which sits on top of the bowl. I use this most often if I have a sitter coming over and need to prepare dinner for the kids ahead of time. I usually add some spaghetti or other pasta in the bowl and then fruit, veggies and pepperoni in the divided tray. It’s perfectly proportioned and the silverware are great for little hands. buy vilitra online no prescription


We have been trying to teach Evelyn how to use a plate for food and not throwing. So far none have passed the test except this one from B.Box Baby. Is has a non slip base, easy grip handles and is super thing for storing and stacking. They come in four fun colors and have matching beginner toddler cutlery sets to match.
Are there any toddler feeding items that you swear by? Let me know in the comments below!
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Making Mealtime Easier

To say that Evelyn is obsessed with Mickey Mouse would be an understatement. She could literally watch the show for hours at a time and it’s the only one that really captivates her attention. “Me-Mow” comes out of her mouth probably 100 times a day. I think if we ever took her to Disney World she may have a heart attack. When The First Years approached me about sending the Mickey Mouse Helping Hands Feeding & Activity Seat for Evelyn to try I was super excited because I knew she would love it. Mealtime can be a challenge once toddlers turn into picky eaters so anything that can help make my life easier I am all for. Since we finally purchased some new chairs for our kitchen table, Evelyn can easily climb up into her seat. Some days I will find her just sitting there waiting for food without me even asking and I’m quickly reminded how much I love her little personality. She is so enthralled by all the Mickey and Minnie items that surround her that I can get her to ear just about anything. She’s never said no to too many food choices but now she will spend at least 30 minutes eating instead of inhaling her meals like she’s in an eating competition. buy ventolin online no prescription


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The First Years offers nearly every Disney character on a variety of cups, plates, and silverware so you can be sure to find your child’s favorite. Thank you to The First Years for providing us with the activity seat & feeding set for review. As always, all opinions expressed are my own. Happy Thursday, everyone! buy vidalista online no prescription


My Favorite Sippy Cups

It’s safe to say that I’ve been around the sippy cup block. Henry started using them at 6 months old and he’s now over 4. So, for the past 3+ years, my dishwasher has seen their fair share of different cups. It’s seen boy cups and girl cups, glass cups and non-BPA free cups, Paw Patrol cups and now Minnie Mouse cups.  My kids have tried them all and I’m sharing my top five favorites today. 

1 // Born Free – Henry has used these for over two years now and we haven’t had any issues. They are spout-less and are great for transitioning a toddler into a real cup. buy valtrex online no prescription
2 // Silikids – This is a newer brand that I just started using. I love how extremely durable the cups are.  The tops are made from silicone which stretches tightly over the sippy cups, preventing any spills.  You can also order the universal sippy tops and straw tops and add to existing cups you already own. Did you know that silicone is recyclable? I had no idea! Silikids will responsibly recycle your cups and tops once your children have outgrown them. They offer a variety of silicone items which you can see more of here.
3 // Nuk – Both my kids started with the Nuk Trainer Cups. They are the perfect size for little hands and come with handles for practice. Once your child gets accustomed to holding the cup, you can remove the handles. The spout is most like the nipple on a bottle so it’s familiar to their little mouths.
4 // Nalgene – I have personally used this brand for years and I love that they have smaller ones for toddler’s hands. They are just as wonderful as the adult version and come in an array of colors. Since these hold 12 ounces of liquid, they are perfect for an afternoon at the park or a day at the pool. buy elavil online no prescription
5 // Munchkin – The kids have been using these the longest. Henry would never take a regular spout and only liked the straw sippy. These have a soft spout but yet are bite proof and leak proof. I also love how they click to lock so you know the top is on securely. They last forever and come in a variety of colors. I love how they will grow with your child well into the toddler years. These are recommended for 9 months and up and the kids are now 4 and 18 months and they still use these. buy fluoxetine online no prescription


Here’s to a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Toddler Snacks: 18 Months

Evelyn has always been quite the snacker. She could literally eat all day long if there was enough food around. There are never enough hours in the day to constantly be chopping and prepping food so healthy premade snacks are a life saver. My diaper bag is always packed with the following: Pouches, Cheerios, Soft Granola Bars, a sippy cup with water and an assortment of snacks from one of my new  favorite brands, NurturMe. All their food is organic, gluten-free, NON-GMO verified, Kosher, made in the USA and no added preservatives. I mean seriously, what more could a parent want out of a brand when it comes to providing healthy food for their little ones? There is a variety of snacks and cereals that are perfect for babies and toddlers. Evelyn’s favorites are the Quinoa Squares and Dried Fruit. I also really love how this company gives back a portion of sales to help Peruvian children. Now, without further ado, please enjoy pictures of Evelyn stuffing her face while looking adorable 🙂
Romper & Bow: June & January
A big thank you to NurturMe for providing Evelyn with some seriously yummy food! All opinions expressed are her own 🙂

An Easy Summertime Snack!

Thank you to General Mills for sponsoring today’s post!

Now that summer is officially here, we are spending a lot of time outdoors. Almost every evening and weekend consists of the kids playing in their kiddie pools in the backyard. Henry is obsessed with his water slide and I may or may not take several a few turns going down it myself. Summers in Georgia are no joke and we definitely like to take breaks from the heat to relax with a yummy snack. buy lipitor online no prescription
General Mills has recently added a ton of Gluten Free cereal options including Lucky Charms, Cherrios and my favorite: Chex! I just introduced Evelyn to Chex and now the cinnamon is her favorite snack. They are the perfect size for tiny fingers. The chocolate is also delicious and I’ve been having it for breakfast everyday this past week. #momlife

Henry and Evelyn’s favorite way to eat the Chex lately is without milk straight from the box. I pour some in bowls for them and they love to eat it by the pool. There’s no sticky residue or messy cleanup to worry about and they can easily pause from playtime to fill their bellies. These classic cereals are now all Gluten Free! Not only are there now five flavors of Chex but there are also several Cherrios options and Lucky Charms too. You can buy nexium online no prescription
when you purchase two select General Mills cereals. Get the coupon here!
General Mills & Publix have been generous enough to GIVEAWAY a $15 PayPal Cash Gift to one lucky reader. To enter, visit this link to get your $1 coupon & to see all the new Gluten Free options and leave a comment letting me know what your favorite summertime snack is for kids! Giveaway ends Sunday, June 19th at 11:59 pm EST. Good luck and happy snacking! buy paxil online no prescription

Easy Toddler Meals + Snacks

Now that Evelyn is 13 months old she has been eating more of the foods that Henry eats. They may require some more chopping but it is so nice not having to make separate meals. By no means am I a recipe creator and I  didn’t go to culinary school. I’m just your average mom struggling to make mealtime less of a challenge. I’ve spent hours pinning easy and healthy recipes and honestly have only tried a handful. Life is busy, being a mom is crazy busy. We need things we can make before our three year olds have a complete meltdown and our entire morning is wasted putting them in timeout while trying to make sure our second baby, bless their heart, actually gets served breakfast. Here are some snacks and meals we have been enjoying lately. buy imodium online no prescription

Brown Rice Cakes topped with peanut butter, sliced bananas and chocolate sprinkles
Dark Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding with coconut pieces*
*pudding recipe (from He and She Eat Clean): 1/2 quart dark chocolate almond milk, 1/2 cup chia seeds. Stir milk and seeds together in tupperware container and refrigerate overnight (at least 8 hours). Scoop to serve and top with fresh fruit, coconut flakes or chopped almonds.
Chocolate Almond Butter Smoothie
A morning staple in our house is smoothies. They are so easy to make and I split them three ways between the kids and myself. There are probably fifteen billion smoothie recipes out there, but the kids favorite is 8 ounces whole milk, 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup, 2 tablespoons almond butter, 1 scoop of plant based vanilla protein powder, 1 banana and 1 tablespoon chia seeds. I also throw in a handful of ice cubes to make sure it’s extra chilled and refreshing. This is packed with protein and is the perfect morning pick me up to fuel all of our brains. I split 3 ways so each serving has 222 calories and 14 grams of protein, making it very healthy. You could also top with a few raspberry’s, strawberries, banana slices or chocolate sprinkles to make it more appealing if you have a picky eater! 
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Zoodles with Parmesan, Carrots and Peas


This has to be one of the easiest meals that the whole family can share. Everything can be made in under 30 minutes or ahead of time. If you do not have a julienne slicer, you can buy pre sliced zucchini at a local Whole Foods. The veggies are both steam in a bag, each taking 5 minutes. Boil the zoodles for 2-3 minutes or until soft. Strain and place in bowl with cheese and veggies (which can be substituted out for others).
Banana Oat Bran Muffins with Cranberry 



There are various recipes for oat bran muffins out there: sugar free, gluten free, flour free etc. I use this one from and omit the raisins and add cranberries. You can also substitute the banana for another fruit (peaches or blueberries!) and add in walnuts or chocolate chips. The possibilities are endless. Next time I’ll be sneaking in some spinach or kale so the kids can get some greens.

A few months ago I wrote about some great finger foods for babies to eat. We still keep all those in the house and have added a few more to our growing list of items to always have on hand:

Steams in the bag in 5 minutes and they are the perfect bite size pieces for tiny fingers and mouths
great for on the go or while having your baby/toddler self feed
Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese
another great finger food babies and toddlers that can feed themselves
for morning toast or a PB&J
Henry loves this oatmeal and has it about twice a week for breakfast. I top with fresh blueberries or bananas.
String Cheese
another easy and healthy snack for Henry

I hope this post has been helpful to fellow moms out there! I love reading what other parents feed their little ones and am always on the hunt for new recipes and ideas. Please share any meals or snacks that your kids love 🙂 buy isofair online no prescription

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