
one month

The first month always is the fastest when you have a baby. From the whirlwind of delivery and being in the hospital to those first weeks stuck at home because you’re a walking zombie. It all just ends up being a blur. Evelyn turned one month on Tuesday (she is 5 weeks today) and it feels like just yesterday we were rushing to the hospital to meet our sweet girl. You can read about her birth story here
She still loves to sleep and recently has been loving the swaddle for night time. It has made such a difference. (you can read about her previous sleeping troubles here). When we first came home, she hated the swaddle so we didn’t push it and I just accepted that I would never sleep at night again. However we tried it again once she got a little bigger and she loves it. It’s been 9 days now and she is going for 6 hour stretches at night (which to a new mom might as well be 20 solid hours). She is still wearing newborn clothes and newborn diapers (at 5 weeks). She is eating every 3-4 hours and sleeping the majority of the day still (I’m not complaining because I am able to get so much done). 
Her weight is still an issue which we are still trying to get back up to her birth weight. When she was born she was 8lbs and 8 ounces but dropped 8 ounces when we left the hospital and still hasn’t gained it back (she was drinking breast milk only) so the doctors have put her on a “feeding” plan which consists of 40 ML breastmilk, 50 ML powered formula and one tablespoon of rice cereal at every feeding. They are hoping that this will help her constant spit up issues. However I will say that she is a happy spitter and it doesn’t seem to bother her. She is still gassy as hell and that gives her some pain in her tummy. We go back on Tuesday for a weight check to see if this has made a difference. I’m hoping it has because I don’t want to have to put her on medication at this young. 

She loves to stare at her big brother and he just loves his baby sister. He is so sweet and gentle with her, always asking where she is and wanting to make sure she is okay. He probably asks me 100 times a day “where’s that baby?” even though he knows her name is Evelyn and likes to correct people when they say baby 🙂 She also likes laying on her stomach/side and immediately falls asleep in this position. I think it feels good on her tummy and helps with her gassiness.
A few other activities she enjoys lately: spitting out her paci and screaming until I put it back in. Then repeat 100 times, scratching her face with her baby talons, having a blowout at the same time we start the car to leave and throwing up breastmilk that I have spent hours pumping (this is my favorite too).
In one hour (at 11:38 pm she will be 5 weeks old. SO CRAZY!)

pumping diaries

pumping sucks. especially when your newborn finally falls asleep at 2am but you have to wake up at 2:30 because your chest is in more pain than your c section incision. luckily the hospital sent me home with some pretty good pain killers, because they have definitely come in handy some nights. baby evelyn has been having a tough time adjusting to bed time since being home. she has been a perfect baby during the day, literally sleeping all day long. however nighttime is a different story. the doctor said she has her days and nights mixed up (obviously) and that we would just have to wait out the change. there have been a handful of good nights but most of them consist of her being up and fussy until 2am and then settling down to go to bed. she also has a love/hate relationship with her paci. she loves the thing and needs it to fall asleep, but half the time she won’t take it and when she does she spits it out. oh yeah, and she is a little ball of gas. so her poor tummy rumbles all night (and man can this kid let them rip). it must be hard being a little baby, so many new feelings and emotions to deal with and you can’t tell anyone what is wrong. I feel bad for her so I have been trying to be as patient as can be and try to enjoy this stage since this will probably be my last baby. i need to get all my newborn cuddles in! 

this past sunday i took baby ev to her first girls lunch to celebrate my friend josie who is expecting her second baby in less than 4 weeks! it has been so fun being pregnant with all my girlfriends at the same time and josie is the last one to pop. we celebrated at a fun restaurant in downtown alpharetta and i even indulged in my first post baby alcoholic beverage. i still haven’t gotten my appetite back to 100% since the c section so nothing is really appealing to me, including alcohol. but the mimosa i had sure tasted good. evelyn even got a new dress for the occasion (since all her newborn clothes are jammies and onesies). it sure was a great shower and so fun to see all the girls <3

i hope everyone has a great week! 

welcoming baby evelyn

It’s been a long time since I posted on here. I actually don’t think I posted at all about my pregnancy with baby #2 and truthfully, I can’t believe how fast that pregnancy came and went. And how she is 10 days old already?! I’ve been singing her abc kids songs already, even though she’s only 10 days old. But as we know, kids grow up so fast. Before we know it, she’ll be able to sing the songs back to me. It really has been a whirlwind, from the whole 39 weeks, going into labor early and now having her here with us.
{10 days old. 1.20.15}
Her birthday was originally set for January 13th with a repeat C section, however she decided to surprise us a few days early: Saturday, January 10th. That day we spent some family time (our last weekend as a family of just 3!) and tried to finish crossing off things to do around the house before baby joined us. We ran some errands and had a big yummy meal at Sweet Tomatoes. I had been having cramps for most of the day, but everything I read suggested they were not contractions. Plus my doctor didn’t think she would come early since Henry didn’t and I never labored with him. Later Saturday evening, my husband and I put Henry to bed around 7 and had dinner around 7:30 pm (not ideal for an unplanned C section since you are not supposed to have anything to eat 6 hours prior). At around 8:00pm, I am sitting on the couch when my water breaks. It literally felt like a hose attached to me and didn’t stop for the next hour and a half. Henry was asleep upstairs thankfully so we didn’t have to worry about running around like crazy people in front of him. I called my doctor and my mom and after throwing random crap into our suitcase and grabbing our sleeping toddler, we piled into the car and headed to the hospital. Every time I had a contraction, more water would “break”. Poor Henry was in the backseat half asleep and kept asking what was wrong. Jan kept telling him that we had to take mommy to the doctor to have the baby and Henry then asked me about 100 times if I needed to go get a shot.
When we arrived to the hospital my mom was already there to meet us (and luckily I had packed Henry’s bag earlier that day so he was all set). As I sat in a wheel chair getting checked in, my nerves started to set in. I was worried they wouldn’t be able to perform the C Section in time since I had just eaten and the last thing I wanted was a VBAC. Thankfully that was not the outcome. It seemed like we were the only people having a baby that night because the labor and delivery floor seemed empty and the nurses and doctors were moving fast. We got in a room about 9pm and she was born at 11:38pm. The only person we were waiting on was the anesthesiologist to administer and test out the epidural to make sure it was working. At one point the doctor even came in and asked the nurses what the hold up was. He probably wanted to get back to his Saturday night 🙂
The underlying nerves that I had throughout this whole pregnancy was the C Section. I was worried something would happen during surgery or that it wouldn’t go right but the doctor and his team were great and it felt like I was in the operating room for a shorter time than I was with Henry. Before I knew it I was being rolled into the recovery room to meet my new baby and see my husband.

The recovery in the hospital for this C Section was a lot harder this time around for me. I will spare all the details, but the first 3 days I could hardly sleep or move without being in so much pain. I am allergic to a lot of medicine so it was hard for the doctors to find what could work for me. They finally put me on dilaudid through my IV and then by pill.

{Snuggling in mama’s hospital bed on our last night there}
{Snuggling in mama’s hospital bed on our last night there}
{She was all pretty in pink leaving the hospital. Carseat Cover/ Kitten Doll}
We were able to have an early release on Wednesday morning and my mom met us at the hospital with Henry so we could come home as a family of four. I don’t think the dogs were too happy about being with out us since they welcomed us home with a big pile of shit in the kitchen (even though they have the best care taker ever). Unfortunately she has her days and nights mixed up and likes to stay up and party until 2am. So I have been getting about 4 hours of sleep or less at night which totally sucks but I know it’s only temporary and will soon pass. I am spending my days soaking up all her sweet baby-ness and trying my hardest to muster up some energy for Henry too. I still can’t lift him, which is so sad to me because he is constantly asking me to hold him. Hopefully he forgets that I haven’t been able to do as much with him these past few weeks and I can return to my old self soon!

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