
Weekend Wrap Up

Our weekend was jam packed and so much fun, and it really put me into the Christmas spirit. Friday night we took it easy and Jan made an incredible dinner (pan seared steak with Morimoto’s famous sauce and some Bok Choy) and we watched our favorite show Grimm. Saturday we were up bright and early, as usual, to head down to the Westside to do some holiday shopping and have lunch. It was so fun to get out of the suburbs and experience city life. This is hands down one of our new favorite spots. It is super kid friendly and so unique. We stopped by the Tinsel and Twine event to get some stocking stuffers and take pictures with Santa. Henry didn’t cry this time, yay! It was the most amazing set up and everyone was so friendly. It is going on next Saturday too so those in Atlanta should check it out. Afterwards we hit up Jack Spade, Seed Factory (which Henry was obsessed with. We got him some nice wooden toys for Christmas) and Simplyput Paper. The weather was pretty chilly so it made for a good holiday vibe (it would be weird to shop for Christmas gifts in 72 degrees weather like we had on Friday). After some shopping we ate some yummy mexican food at La Fonda and then headed back home for some naps and to prepare for dinner.

We had our friends and their seven month old little boy over for dinner Saturday evening and I was super proud of Henry for practicing his sharing skills. To be fair, each time he shared a toy he would later take it back but we’re making progress! Sunday we had some other friends over for brunch with their little boy too. He and Henry are only 5 days apart and I am pretty sure they are gonna be bff’s and future heartbreakers/troublemakers. Jan and I love hosting and entertaining and it was the first time we could bust out the Christmas dishes and festive paper straws. We made a mini feast which included french toast, ham/egg/onion/pepper cups, fruit, scrambled eggs, sausage and some homemade bread courtesy of our friends. I may have eaten myself into a food coma. Since it was a rainy Sunday both the boys wore their Christmas jammies and looked too cute for words. I was wishing I had twin boys. My husband was not.

The rest of Sunday we enjoyed Christmas movie by the fireplace and I was even able to get a few hours of work in. This week I start 3 full days in the office with Henry going to daycare 3 days too. I hope he adjusts well and I hope I don’t miss him too much. Here’s to another week! 

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Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend was jam packed but oh so fun. On Saturday we hosted our friends Joleen + Ben and their families and friends for their son Benjamin’s first birthday. The theme was vintage story book and the amount of detail Joleen put into each and every piece was amazing. From the invitations (in a little Golden Book), to the handmade banners from book pages, the cupcakes in a jar, etc. The color palette was beautiful and everything worked out wonderfully (it wasn’t too cold either). Be sure to head over to her blog where she will have tons more pictures and details about this fabulous birthday. Here are just a few snapshots I captured. 

Henry’s outfit: Reversible Beanie  / Milk Drunk T / Harem Pants / Cardigan (Target last year) / Converse (Nordstrom Rack, similar here)
After the cleanup and when everyone left, we ordered some Chinese, made a fire, put some music on and had some family time. Henry’s new obsession is to climb onto and into everything so he spent the majority of the evening climbing in and out of his lego bucket. Sunday was an all day family day. We started the day with a fire and some yummy Paleo Chorizo Hash, then took Henry to Catch Air so he could run around and blow off some steam. After some Publix subs we all had nap time, then finished the day with an evening stroll around our neighborhood. I’m so lucky to have a husband who values family time as much as I do. It is really important to us to set aside time where we can go on adventures with Henry and really soak up this toddler time. Before we know it, he will be a tween and wan’t nothing to do with us (tear). PS: Tonight we busted out Henry’s Christmas jammies! I know it’s not even Thanksgiving yet, but Christmas is our favorite Holiday and we want it to last as long as it can. 
{carseat shenanigans}

I hope everyone had an amazing weekend! xo

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Weekend Wrap Up

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day! Yay for 3 day weekends. Ours was definitely packed full of fun. The past few days was filled with cookouts, pool time, walks, play dates and a first birthday party. With as much excitement as Henry has had you’d think he’d be worn out and napping, but no. His naps have been so off this weekend. Very unlike my 3 times-a-day napper. I am hoping to return to our normal nap time schedule. This week/weekend is going to be very busy as well; including my first Cross Fit class. IAMSONERVOUS!! I’ll keep you posted on how that turns out … 
{after dinner walk}
{impromptu sink bath}

{yummy watermelon … i think}
{sweet babies!}

{his latest duck face}

{trying to get all 14 babies in our mandatory group shot}

{we finally decided it would be easier to hold the babies}

{henry, eating of course, and his buddy gavin}

{with sweet miles, i can’t believe he is ONE!}

{henry and the birthday boy}
{us mamas and our baby birds}

Mother’s Day/Last Week Follow Up

This past week has been very eventful … play dates, lunch dates, having family come to visit, a graduation party and of course (my very first) Mother’s Day. This weekend was very special and the hubby made sure to make me feel appreciated. Delicious homemade breakfast Saturday and Sunday morning, flowers both days and cards. The hubby made an amazing banana’s foster french toast from this recipe and I was blown away. My favorite thing though? Not having to change diapers on Sunday (it’s the little things). I am very grateful that my little family chose me as their mama/wife. How lucky I am to call them mine! Mother’s Day was also Henry’s first time in a pool and he loved it. He loves bath time and is fascinated by water. He could have stayed in that pool all day (it was heated too).  Here is a little recap of our past week, enjoy!

Mommy’s Group Play Date at Webb Bridge Park
{Mandatory group shot}

{ Notice how Henry is drinking from a pink sippy cup, not his own, which is the green one behind him.}

 {My little Popeye baby}
Elliott’s Graduation Party

Mother’s Day

{flowers and breakfast 2 days in a row!}

{Uncle Max entertaining Henry}

Afternoons with Henry

Henry is growing into a little boy right before my eyes. He is developing his own adorable personality and really using/showing his emotions. I love his different facial expressions and it seems no two are ever the same. This mini human really blows my mind. Ten months has come and gone and pretty soon my baby will be a little boy. I am obsessed with trying to document every smile, laugh, blank stare, giggle, cry, yawn … you name it, there’s a picture of it. Here are some of my favorites from the past week. 
{5.1.13 – lunch with a dear old friend}
         {4.20.13 pretending not to like his lunch}                     {4.26.13 refusing to wear a diaper}
{4.28.13 checking out the new Sugarboo & Co. store}
{5.1.13 getting ready to try eggs for the first time}
{4.27.13 first time on a playground swing}

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