Henry is growing into a little boy right before my eyes. He is developing his own adorable personality and really using/showing his emotions. I love his different facial expressions and it seems no two are ever the same. This mini human really blows my mind. Ten months has come and gone and pretty soon my baby will be a little boy. I am obsessed with trying to document every smile, laugh, blank stare, giggle, cry, yawn … you name it, there’s a picture of it. Here are some of my favorites from the past week.
{5.1.13 – lunch with a dear old friend}
{4.20.13 pretending not to like his lunch} {4.26.13 refusing to wear a diaper}
{4.28.13 checking out the new Sugarboo & Co. store}
{5.1.13 getting ready to try eggs for the first time}
{4.27.13 first time on a playground swing}
haha love it! esp. pretending not to like his lunch and refusing to wear a diaper. so funny!!