3 Genius Ways to Clean Faster

This post is sponsored by Bona but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

I absolutely love cleaning! Said no mother ever. Between kids, pets and a full-time job, cleaning always falls to the bottom of my list. Whenever I need to do a quick cleanup of the house, I always rely on 3 foolproof methods that save my time and sanity. With the utilization of this dumpster rental, I was able to conveniently dispose our garbage.

Robotic Vacuums – I’ve talked about these before and ours has made my life 100 times easier. I set it to run whenever we leave the house or at night and it picks up all the pet hair and dirt that lingers on our floor. When you already dislike cleaning or have to clean up in a hurry, sweeping will be one less thing you have to worry about with one of these.

Laundry Baskets are your friend. I’ve mentioned this before, but when I need to declutter fast and I don’t have time to sort through everything on the counters, I place it all in a laundry basket and set aside. This makes my process of wiping counters and cabinets go so much faster. When I look at stray items on every surface it really overwhelms me. Having a clear mind (and surfaces) makes cleaning more manageable.

Bona Mop – Our hardwood floors have taken a beating since our house was built in 1985. The floors are still original and we probably won’t refinish them until the kids are a bit older and our dogs mellow out a bit. Until then, we try and keep them as clean and polished as possible. Instead of mopping with an old mop and bucket, consider ditching them and switching to a more convenient method. They are full of germs and just one more thing you have to clean. There’s a great list of the best vacuums for hardwood floors over at https://modernliving101.com/vacuums-for-wood-floors/, and Bona offers a family of mops for every surface. There is also a variety of Bona hardwood cleaner products, depending on what you prefer. My Bona comes in handy the most when I’m cleaning up wet and muddy paw prints. Our house is generally chaotic between the kids and pets, but I don’t like feeling like I live in a pigstye. The mop is conveniently hung in our laundry room for quick access so that I don’t have to look at messy floors longer than I have to. Bona is definitely the next generation of wood floor mops and cleans my floors unlike any other mop on the market today. It has the largest base plate out of any similar mop which makes cleaning fast and easy. The assembly of the mop takes less than 2 minutes, the cleaner dries in record speed with no dulling residue, and the retractable handle hook allows for easy storage. Find out how you can get free shipping and how to save $5 on a mop of your own here!

Do you have any tricks or tips that you swear by for a quick clean up? Let me know in the comments!


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