Weekend Wrap Up

Friday we met my husband for dinner at our favorite new Mexican restaurant. The food is so good and Henry just loves Mexican food. I love that they are loud, kid friendly and drown out a screaming baby or a tantrum. After dinner we headed to Target to wear Henry out and let him run around (plus, who doesn’t love a trip to Target after a few margaritas?) 

Even though the weather was overcast and cloudy all day Saturday, temperature wise it was perfect for being outdoors. After some coffee and Cars 2 we headed over to the greenway to get some exercise in and let Henry run around. It is the perfect outdoor place for him to run free (and safe too! nothing but woods).

We hit up Waffle House after, our favorite family breakfast spot. The food is good, the service is fast and your toddler can eat cheese grits with his hands without anyone turning heads.
After naps we headed to lunch for some carnintas enchiladas and then to the park so Henry could run around and play more. We are always trying to wear him out. This kid is non stop from 6am until we have to make him go to bed. Which has been between 8-9pm lately. You would think he would sleep a solid twelve hours but there must be sugarplum fairies in his dreams taunting him with playgrounds, lollipops and apple juice which makes him rise at the crack of dawn. 

The most exciting part of the weekend was our trip to the Atlanta Zoo on Sunday. Henry loved seeing all the animals but he mostly enjoyed running wild through the swarm of five thousand people. (Not stressful at all, right?) This kid never stops. We went along with some friends and their son and Henry liked having a playmate to hang out with. Evelyn slept 90% of the time except when I forced her to get out of her comfy carseat for a picture.

We ended the day with dinner at Six Feet Under which was so yummy. We had jalapeño hush puppies, gator bites, shrimp baskets and peach margaritas. The boys were being so cute together and kept dancing and hugging. 

Here’s to another fun and safe week! 

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