Henry turned two on Saturday. TWO. As much as I thought I’d be sad about him getting bigger, it wasn’t as hard as his first birthday. I felt happy. Happy that is he understanding more, happy that he is in such a cute stage, happy that he is learning so much and using more words. This is definitely the hardest stage and the cutest and I wouldn’t change it for anything 🙂 Last Friday we had a small party for him that included all his friends and their moms from my mom group. I wanted to keep it more low key this year and celebrate with family on a different day. It definitely went a lot smoother and was much more stress-free than his big first birthday party. I had some amazing help (our wonderful babysitter and my best friend/Henry’s godmother. Not to mention my husband who worked hard before work to set up the “pool” area). The theme was Monsters University since that has been Henry’s favorite movie for the past 8 months and we turned it into a toddler pool party. I found most of the decorations online (Party City, Oriental Trading) and the blue food baskets were from the dollar spot at Target (3 for $1); they were the perfect size to hold the kids food. We ended up having 15 kids including Henry and a teeny tiny newborn! We borrowed our friend Kelly’s water table and slide and a few other toys. The blow up pools are from Sam’s Club and Target. We also had chalk, bikes, toddler lawnmowers and a bunch of other toys. The kids had a great time and the party lasted about an hour and a half which was the perfect amount of time to visit and play.
(these amazing cookies are by Yummy Delicious Cookies in Marietta, GA)
{Invitations bought here}
{A HUGE thank you to my BFF Shayda for capturing all these pictures and helping me out so much the night before/morning of, despite being 25 weeks pregnant!}
What an amazing job you did! Not surprised of course 🙂 Henry and his swim shorts are the cutest ever! How is he 2?!?!?! I love you!!! xo