I cannot believe this tiny baby is a year old. I remember the picture above like it was yesterday. My sweet baby, who I waited 39 weeks to meet, was finally here. He stopped crying as soon as they brought him to me. He was perfect in every way possible. I couldn’t have dreamed of a better baby. My life never felt complete until that moment I saw him for the first time and things finally made sense. I knew why I was put on this Earth. My husband and I were talking recently about how short a year is. 365 days is really not that long. Days blend together and turn into weeks … and before you know it you are taking another months picture. I can remember when Henry was just a few weeks old and we’d be out in public, other mother’s would tell us how old their child was and how fast it all goes. They weren’t kidding. I look back at this year, and although I remember most of everything, it all seems like one big blur. His first birthday has come and gone, the party is over, family leaves to go home and things return to normal. How bittersweet and emotional it all is. My baby is turning into a little boy in front of my eyes. He walks instead of crawls, drinks from a straw instead of a bottle, drinks almond milk instead of formula and can eat a hamburger like nobody’s business. I thank God for every single day I have spent as his mother and will be eternally grateful that He chose me to raise this beautiful person.
This made me teary! It does go fast and this is just another great reminder to try to really stay in each moment. It's so easy to look ahead but "now" is fleeting. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. 🙂