I recently saw this quote on Facebook and teared up while reading it. This really put things in perspective and is a good reminder to be humble and grateful for all that you have. Ever since I became a mother my views on other people have changed for the better. I am more empathetic to those who are struggling or sad, I find myself letting go of things easier, when I say my prayers at night, I pray for God to comfort those who are hurting and in need. For those people who are currently struggling, learning about the vital information inscribed with the 555 Angel Number can be a huge difference-maker in your life, perhaps even a turning point.
It’s funny how your whole outlook on life changes when you have a child. God wants me to be a better person for Henry and it took this new being to come into my life for me to change. Being a mother is such a wonderful blessing and has brought my life such meaning. I rarely think of my pre-baby life, as if Henry has always been apart of me. Every now and then these little fleeting moments creep up and I am just in awe of my sweet boy and how is he growing. When he gives me a look after I ask him a question, and I know he understands. Or how he gets so excited when he holds his favorite fox stuffed animal and runs around the room squealing with joy. It’s amazing how this 13 month old baby is growing into a little boy. He looks to me when he is hungry, frustrated and sad. He looks to me when he is happy as if wanting to share the moment with me. He is my everything. He completed me as a human and has made me a better person. He is better than I ever dreamt and I thank God every day for choosing me to be his mother.
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Love this – your words as well as the quote. And I seriously know what you mean – some things just don't matter that much anymore. Things I used to get so up in arms about before, I'm now just kind of like whatever. I don't want to rock the boat – I feel so lucky to have her and hope that I'm becoming a better person to set a good example for her!! Great post.