I hope everyone is enjoying their week so far … we’re almost half way to a 3 day weekend! We have a busy holiday weekend … a BBQ with my mommy group and all of our spouses and babies, a birthday party (this will be Henry’s first time attending a birthday for one of his friends) and my dad is in town. What does everyone have planned for Memorial Day Weekend?
In the midst of watching My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding (yes, I just admitted to watching that) here are some good ol’ internet finds to keep you busy tonight!
:: These amazing modern grills over at Apartment Therapy
:: How cute are these spoons?
:: Shelf Safe Milk? I don’t think so
:: My husband is obsessed with Rosemary, I will need to make him some of these drinks
:: An interesting parenting idea over at the Wall Street Journal
:: Giving wine as a gift? You need these!
:: Foreign Movies for Kids
:: I would love my own personal stylist to tell me and my family what to wear!
:: Kid-Friendly smoothies
wine wrap papers!! awesome!!