Henry THREE year update

Ahhh my sweet, wild, determined boy. Whoever coined the phrase “terrible twos” has obviously never met the number 3. He is full of emotions and can be super happy and my big helper one second and then spiral into a crazed pshychotic meltdown because I gave him a bowl of blueberries. WHEN HE ASKED FOR BLUEBERRIES. Oh motherhood … This too is just a phase and will pass but there are some days when I literally count down the minutes until nap time. I know all my boy moms out there feel me! In all fairness though, he can be the sweetest little boy. Lately he tears at my heartstrings by saying things like “but I want to hang out as a family together”, telling our dog Sammy that he’s his buddy, and saying to Dolly “I missed you today, girl.” He approaches everything without fear. He is confident, brave, resilient and curious. 

One of my favorite bloggers, Bluebird, used to do a series called Conversations with Birdie in which she would film conversations with her youngest daughter. I had stored this idea in the back of my mind until Henry was old enough to actually have a real conversation back and forth. As you can see from this video, his attention span is not that long so the conversations are short. I always take plenty of pictures of the kids but never enough videos so this is my way of trying to consciously be better at it. 
Henry’s Three Year Update

Height: 38″
Weight: 34 pounds 
Favorite Songs: Hot Dog, Chugga Chugga Soul, Honey I’m Good, Ain’t Nothing but a G Thang
Favorite Shows/ Movies: Mickey Mouse Club House, Super Wings, Cailou (my least favorite show ever. Cailou is a whiny little B), Thomas the Tank Engine, Toy Story and most recently Sheriff Kallie. A show about a girl cat who is a sheriff in the wild wild west who rides a my little pony. He is totally my child. 
Likes: Singing his ABC’s thirty times a day, dancing in his batman boots for his sister, showing off his muscles, swimming and playing in the water. Last month he also started Karate and looking at him in his uniform makes my heart burst. 
Dislikes: The word NO
Proudest Mom Moment: Three year olds have no control over the volume of their voice and it’s often high pitched and loud. It’s the perfect pitch to sometimes break glass, communicate with dogs and wake sleeping babies. One time when his dog calls woke Evelyn up, I said “Henry you woke the damn baby!” Now, every time there is a problem he uses the word ‘damn’ to emphasize how upset he is. So I cannot really fault him for this because he is using the word in the right context. Like so:
“I can’t find my damn shoes” 
“We need to clean up this damn mess” 
“The damn cat got out”
Until next time my sweet boy <3

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